I'm using PlatformIO, though an Ardunio build. But the same code works on an 8M ESP32-S3 and reports 8M.
Is there anything special or particular I can or need to do for it to see the full 8M?
PS: This is the chip it's built with: https://jlcpcb.com/partdetail/3370765-E ... 8/C2973667
Code: Select all
debugI("ESP32 PSRAM Init: %s", psramInit() ? "OK" : "FAIL");
debugI("Version %u: Wifi SSID: \"%s\" - ESP32 Free Memory: %u, PSRAM:%u, PSRAM Free: %u",
FLASH_VERSION, cszSSID, ESP.getFreeHeap(), ESP.getPsramSize(), ESP.getFreePsram());