I am trying to use littleFS with a web server on ESP32.
It is an ESP32-S3-WROOM from freenove, the dev computer is a linux debian 11, IDE 1.8.13 and 2.1.0
The example provided with the littleFS library works, that's something. In comment of the example there is :
Code: Select all
/* You only need to format LittleFS the first time you run a
test or else use the LITTLEFS plugin to create a partition
If you test two partitions, you need to use a custom
partition.csv file, see in the sketch folder */
I followed the link to try to install the plugin, the readme.md starts with
Please use the universal combined plugin for all FS instead of this one.
so I followed that second link and followed, I think, the instructions. But the tools menu doesn't match the capture in the tutorial: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lorol ... r/tool.png
On my IDE, I have the capture below. By the way, no mention of LittleFS in the Partition Scheme submenu.
I read elsewhere :
If missing, you need to copy mkfatfs[.exe] to /tools folder of esp32 platform where espota and esptool (.py or.exe) tools are located
How should I understand this? I have
mklittelfs in ~/.arduino15/packages/esp32/tools/mklittlefs/3.0.0-gnu12-dc7f933/
esptool.py in ~/.arduino15/packages/esp32/tools/esptool_py/4.5.1/
espota.py in ~/.arduino15/packages/esp32/hardware/esp32/2.0.8/tools
I put everything in the ~/.arduino15/packages/esp32/hardware/esp32/2.0.8/tools directory
but without effect
What else can I do?
(I'm french, so thanks to DeepL )