indexing problem variables linked completely wrong

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indexing problem variables linked completely wrong

Postby kyrpav » Thu Mar 16, 2023 8:06 pm

Working on creating an simple program for lvgl framework with esp32.
I am using esp-idf v5.0.1 and lvgl as component release/v8.3

There is a very strange problem which i think it is indexing but maybe i am completely wrong so i will have to change the title

the operands in a function and the usage of the variables inside are linked somewhere completely wrong.
They do not connect to the specific function operands at all.

i have tried to full clean the project and re-build but it is always the same. Also i have tried closing and re-open the vscode and also i have tried rescan of workspace from the commands but no solution.

There is a example in lvgl for porting to esp32 shows some generic presentation. The same code in the same .c file is working in this project properly. The variables are properly linked only to the operands and the other configs are grayed based on the selected controller

How to fix this issue?
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