About Rainmaker Automations

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About Rainmaker Automations

Postby Bernawong4 » Fri Feb 17, 2023 2:42 am

Recently, I am working on a project about an air quality control system, based on an 7 parameter air quality sensor and an air purifier.
Both of them have their own ESP32 to collect data or control.
I just finish the firmware of them, but found an issue on the Automations function on ESP Rainmaker apps.
The result why I want to use Automations function is to build a system for admin user to determine how it works on different situations.
However, I can only set the actions based on one parameter changing on the Automation function. Apart from that, I cannot handle the multi cases. For example, if I want the system to output 3 different power of air purifier, based on the different range of the CO2(<500ppm, 500-800pmm or >800pmm), I just unable to set 3 automation to handle with this function.
Could someone give me some hints about that? Thank you.

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Re: About Rainmaker Automations

Postby ESP_Piyush » Mon Feb 20, 2023 1:01 pm

Even though the phone apps do not show this (to maintain simplicity), events support "and" and "or" operators, which you can specify as "event_operator" like shown in swagger api doc. "and" operators would require the event params to be part of a single MQTT message, whereas "or" just means that one of the events should occur.

For the second part of the question, you will have to create 3 different automations. Did you face any issues with that?

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Joined: Tue Nov 08, 2022 5:18 am

Re: About Rainmaker Automations

Postby Bernawong4 » Tue Mar 07, 2023 8:42 am

Thank you for reply.
The other issue is just because I don't know how to create an automation with 2 events and the automation will be triggered at random order.

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