ESP32-C3 menuconfig. No option for console output on UART1

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ESP32-C3 menuconfig. No option for console output on UART1

Postby ravenb72 » Thu Aug 18, 2022 2:38 pm


I am wanting to switch the console output to UART1. If I select "Custom Uart" in "Channel for console output". Under Component config-> Driver configurations->UART configuration I get options to select GPIO for Tx and Rx but there is no option to select UART1.

The hint says the following:
Select where to send console output (through stdout and stderr).

- Default is to use UART0 on pre-defined GPIOs. - If "Custom" is selected, UART0 or UART1 can be chosen, and any pins can be selected. - If "None" is selected, there will be no console output on any UART, except for initial output from ROM bootloader. This ROM output can be suppressed by GPIO strapping or EFUSE, refer to chip datasheet for details. - On chips with USB peripheral, "USB CDC" option redirects output to the CDC port. This option uses the CDC driver in the chip ROM. This option is incompatible with TinyUSB stack.

I am using VC with IDF v1.5.0.

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Re: ESP32-C3 menuconfig. No option for console output on UART1

Postby ravenb72 » Fri Aug 19, 2022 12:15 pm

Just a quick correction. I was using the VC extension version 1.5. IDF was 4.3.1. I have since updated it to 4.4.2.
I still have the same problem. Menuconfig still allows me to select a Custom UART but doesn't provide a way to select UART1, at least not that I can find.

Capture from menuconfig (command line version)

Code: Select all

(Top) → Component config → ESP System Settings
                                                                       Espressif IoT Development Framework Configuration
	Panic handler behaviour (Print registers and reboot)  --->
[*] 	Enable RTC fast memory for dynamic allocations
[ ] 	Generate and use eh_frame for backtracking
    Memory protection  --->
(32) 	System event queue size
(2304) Event loop task stack size
(3584) Main task stack size
    Main task core affinity (CPU0)  --->
(2048) Minimal allowed size for shared stack
    Channel for console output (Custom UART)  --->
    Channel for console secondary output (No secondary console)  --->
(5) UART TX on GPIO#
(6) UART RX on GPIO#
(115200) UART console baud rate

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Re: ESP32-C3 menuconfig. No option for console output on UART1

Postby tharunjoy » Fri Dec 30, 2022 7:52 am

Any update on this?

My observation: I am working on ESP_IDF 4.3 and I am able to choose custom uart pin from menuconfig but I am not able to see any log from those pins. This is seen only in esp32c3 chipset, verified in esp32 chipset.

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Re: ESP32-C3 menuconfig. No option for console output on UART1

Postby calvsg88 » Fri Dec 30, 2022 10:05 pm

following this thread.

I am trying to get softserial to work on esp32-c3. Not sure if you've tried this before? Did you manage to get it to work?

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Joined: Wed Dec 12, 2018 5:30 am

Re: ESP32-C3 menuconfig. No option for console output on UART1

Postby tharunjoy » Fri Dec 30, 2022 11:25 pm

Software serial is working but initial some logs are sent to default uart pins. This happen until software serial get initialized.
MCU connected to default UART0 pin receives all this messages which may leads to conflicts.

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