Weird characters showing when compiling for the ESP32.
Weird characters showing when compiling for the ESP32.
I recently got a Wemos ESP32 D1 R32 board and made a simple program for it. I clicked the upload button, but the Arduino IDE put out a few lines of random characters after several points in the compilation process. I noticed that it usually did that after putting out [Codebox]Detecting libraries used...[/Codebox]. It seems that when I try to copy them, they turn back into normal text. This is an example of a line that turns into these characters: [Codebox]/home/rado/.arduino15/packages/esp32/tools/xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc/gcc8_4_0-esp-2021r2-patch5/bin/xtensa-esp32-elf-g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H "-DMBEDTLS_CONFIG_FILE=\"mbedtls/esp_config.h\"" -DUNITY_INCLUDE_CONFIG_H -DWITH_POSIX -D_GNU_SOURCE "-DI[/Codebox]. What might be the problem? I know this might not be an issue with compiling to the ESP32 boards, but it only happens when I compile code for them in particular.
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