esp32s3 wifi mesh 子节点无法获取内网IP问题 下载的官方例程 ip_internal_network

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Joined: Sun Jun 19, 2022 8:37 am

esp32s3 wifi mesh 子节点无法获取内网IP问题 下载的官方例程 ip_internal_network

Postby aiya122 » Thu Sep 15, 2022 2:32 pm

目前使用两块esp32s3 模组 ,使用的是ESP IDF

父节点 一直报错: 非法子节点

(493102) mesh: 1316[recv]invalid child 68:b6:b3:3c:64:68
I (493102) mesh: 1316[recv]invalid child 68:b6:b3:3c:64:68
[0;32mI (493532) mesh_mqtt: MQTT_EVENT_PUBLISHED, msg_id=62348[0m
[0;32mI (493812) mesh_main: Tried to publish layer:1 IP:[0m
[0;32mI (493812) mesh_mqtt: sent publish returned msg_id=1258[0m
[0;32mI (493812) mesh_main: Sending routing table to [0] f4:12:fa:cd:26:60: sent with err code: 0[0m
[0;32mI (493812) mesh_main: Received Routing table [0] f4:12:fa:cd:26:60[0m

子节点 上电log如下:

I (7036) wifi:mode : sta (68:b6:b3:3c:64:68) + softAP (68:b6:b3:3c:64:69)
W (7056) wifi:<MESH AP>adjust channel:1, secondary channel offset:1(40U)
I (7066) wifi:Total power save buffer number: 16
[0;32mI (7066) mesh_main: <MESH_EVENT_FIND_NETWORK>new channel:6, router BSSID:00:00:00:00:00:00[0m
W (7096) wifi:<MESH AP>adjust channel:6, secondary channel offset:1(40U)
I (7096) wifi:Total power save buffer number: 16

[22:29:38.022]收←◆I (7406) mesh: [SCAN][ch:6]AP:6, other(ID:0, RD:0), MAP:1, idle:0, candidate:1, root:1, topMAP:0[c:0,i:0][0e:9a:3c:87:53:52]router found<>
I (7406) mesh: 7369[selection]try rssi_threshold:-78, backoff times:0, max:5<-78,-82,-85>
I (7416) mesh: [DONE]connect to parent:ESPM_CD2660, channel:6, rssi:-5, f4:12:fa:cd:26:61[layer:1, assoc:0], my_vote_num:0/voter_num:0, rc[00:00:00:00:00:00/-120/0]
I (7426) mesh: set router bssid:0e:9a:3c:87:53:52

[22:29:38.284]收←◆I (7666) wifi:new:<6,1>, old:<6,1>, ap:<6,1>, sta:<6,1>, prof:6

[22:29:39.279]收←◆I (8656) wifi:state: init -> auth (b0)
I (8676) wifi:state: auth -> assoc (0)
E (8686) wifi:Association refused temporarily, comeback time 1536 mSec

[22:29:40.837]收←◆I (10216) wifi:state: assoc -> assoc (0)
I (10236) wifi:state: assoc -> run (10)
I (10236) mesh: <MESH_NWK_MIE_CHANGE><><><><ROOT ADDR><><><>
I (10236) mesh: <MESH_NWK_ROOT_ADDR>from assoc, layer:2, root_addr:f4:12:fa:cd:26:61, root_cap:1
I (10236) mesh: <MESH_NWK_ROOT_ADDR>idle, layer:2, root_addr:f4:12:fa:cd:26:61, conflict_roots.num:0<>
I (10246) wifi:connected with ESPM_CD2660, aid = 1, channel 6, 40U, bssid = f4:12:fa:cd:26:61
I (10256) wifi:security: WPA2-PSK, phy: bgn, rssi: -5
[0;32mI (10266) mesh_main: <MESH_EVENT_ROOT_ADDRESS>root address:f4:12:fa:cd:26:61[0m

[22:29:40.930]收←◆I (10316) wifi:pm start, type: 0

I (10316) wifi:set rx beacon pti, rx_bcn_pti: 0, bcn_timeout: 0, mt_pti: 25000, mt_time: 10000
I (10316) mesh: [scan]new scanning time:600ms, beacon interval:300ms
I (10326) mesh: 2004<arm>parent monitor, my layer:2(cap:6)(node), interval:11599ms, retries:1<normal connected>
I (10326) wifi:BcnInt:102400, DTIM:1
[0;32mI (10336) mesh_main: <MESH_EVENT_PARENT_CONNECTED>layer:0-->2, parent:f4:12:fa:cd:26:61<layer2>, ID:77:77:77:77:77:76[0m
[0;32mI (10346) mesh_netif: It was a wifi station removing stuff[0m
[0;32mI (10356) mesh_main: <MESH_EVENT_TODS_REACHABLE>state:0[0m

[22:29:52.825]收←◆I (22206) mesh: 5156<active>parent layer:1(node), channel:6, rssi:-5, assoc:0(cnx rssi threshold:-120)my_assoc:0

[22:29:54.330]收←◆I (23716) mesh: 5947<scan>parent layer:1, rssi:-6, assoc:0(cnx rssi threshold:-120)
I (23716) mesh: [SCAN][ch:6]AP:1, other(ID:0, RD:0), MAP:1, idle:0, candidate:1, root:1, topMAP:0[c:2,i:2][0e:9a:3c:87:53:52]<weak>
I (23716) mesh: 7369[weak]try rssi_threshold:-120, backoff times:0, max:5<-78,-82,-85>
I (23726) mesh: 716[monitor]no change, parent:f4:12:fa:cd:26:61, rssi:-6
I (23736) mesh: 2004<arm>parent monitor, my layer:2(cap:6)(node), interval:11860ms, retries:2<>

[22:30:06.507]收←◆I (35886) mesh: 5156<active>parent layer:1(node), channel:6, rssi:-5, assoc:0(cnx rssi threshold:-120)my_assoc:0

[22:30:08.010]收←◆I (37396) mesh: 5947<scan>parent layer:1, rssi:-6, assoc:0(cnx rssi threshold:-120)
I (37396) mesh: [SCAN][ch:6]AP:1, other(ID:0, RD:0), MAP:1, idle:0, candidate:1, root:1, topMAP:0[c:2,i:2][0e:9a:3c:87:53:52]<weak>
I (37396) mesh: 7369[weak]try rssi_threshold:-120, backoff times:0, max:5<-78,-82,-85>
I (37406) mesh: 716[monitor]no change, parent:f4:12:fa:cd:26:61, rssi:-6
I (37416) mesh: 2004<arm>parent monitor, my layer:2(cap:6)(node), interval:4639ms, retries:3<>

[22:30:12.792]收←◆I (42176) mesh: 5156<active>parent layer:1(node), channel:6, rssi:-5, assoc:0(cnx rssi threshold:-120)my_assoc:0

[22:30:14.297]收←◆I (43676) mesh: 5947<scan>parent layer:1, rssi:-5, assoc:0(cnx rssi threshold:-120)
I (43676) mesh: [SCAN][ch:6]AP:1, other(ID:0, RD:0), MAP:1, idle:0, candidate:1, root:1, topMAP:0[c:2,i:2][0e:9a:3c:87:53:52]<weak>
I (43686) mesh: 7369[weak]try rssi_threshold:-120, backoff times:0, max:5<-78,-82,-85>
I (43696) mesh: 716[monitor]no change, parent:f4:12:fa:cd:26:61, rssi:-5
I (43706) mesh: 2004<arm>parent monitor, my layer:2(cap:6)(node), interval:301531ms, retries:3<>


Posts: 23
Joined: Thu Aug 19, 2021 2:59 am

Re: esp32s3 wifi mesh 子节点无法获取内网IP问题 下载的官方例程 ip_internal_network

Postby zxlch_z » Sun Oct 02, 2022 2:28 pm

我做了一个wifi mesh的项目,说实话不是非常理想。性能确实没得说,但是小毛病特别多,而且wifi mesh源码也不开放,只能通过其他途径去解决。如果在让我选择,我应该会用ble mesh,毕竟乐鑫主推的

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