Separate dedicated ESP-IDF and ESP-ADF/ESP-IDF

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Separate dedicated ESP-IDF and ESP-ADF/ESP-IDF

Postby aristarchos » Tue Aug 30, 2022 5:37 pm


I have in Ubuntu 22.04 a working setup of Espressif IDE with ESP-IDF v5.1, an environment that works so far just fine in all aspects.
Can I have in the same Ubuntu system a separate ESP-ADF/ESP-IDF environment or there will be a mixup of paths and tools of different versions etc? Do I need to have a second system dedicated only to ESP-ADF/ESP-IDF setup?


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Re: Separate dedicated ESP-IDF and ESP-ADF/ESP-IDF

Postby chegewara » Thu Sep 01, 2022 2:37 pm

You can have as many esp-idf versions as you want. IDF is running in venv (when is used the way the docs is describing it).
This is more or less how many esp-idf i do have on one ubuntu:
Screenshot from 2022-09-01 16-36-05.png
Screenshot from 2022-09-01 16-36-05.png (23.99 KiB) Viewed 3384 times

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Re: Separate dedicated ESP-IDF and ESP-ADF/ESP-IDF

Postby aristarchos » Thu Sep 01, 2022 3:55 pm

Thank you @chegewara for taking the time to reply.
Nice to know that they can work side by side.

I'm also interested though in using Espressif-IDE with them.
Currently the esp-idf master that I have is working just fine in conjuction with Espressif-IDE.
I'm not sure though if adding esp-adf will mixup the tools as there is no method (known by me) to specify build tools per esp-idf, the Espressif-IDE from what I've seen unless mistaken, is not using the IDF_TOOLS_PATH environment variable, I think it uses its own mind on this.

So, the next question, can I use separate esp-idf and esp-adf/esp-idf environments with a single installation of Espressif-IDE ?

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Re: Separate dedicated ESP-IDF and ESP-ADF/ESP-IDF

Postby chegewara » Thu Sep 01, 2022 4:05 pm

Sorry, i cant help you with that.
I am using VS code as IDE and esp-idf with command line. My theory is that plugin is another software which is affected by bugs (there is no bugs free software), which is adding more problems. Using less than 10 command lines is enough to cover most of daily usage, which does not require plugin.

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