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ESP8266 Requires RST Button Press on SMPS Power-Up

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 9:08 pm
by sdg123
I am facing an issue with my SMPS-powered ESP8266 (ESP-12F) where I need to manually press the RST button on power-up for the program to execute. GPIO0, EN, and RST are pulled up with 10K ohm resistors, and GPIO15 is pulled down. Seeking advice to address this behavior. Thanks!

Re: ESP8266 Requires RST Button Press on SMPS Power-Up

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 2:09 am
by ESP_Sprite
- Do you have a capacitor on GPIO0, perhaps to debounce a button attached to it? If so, remove it.
- Aside from the resistor to Vcc, do you also have a capacitor to ground on the EN line? If not, add one. Something like 1uF should work.