Defragmantation of 802.11 packets

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Joined: Mon Sep 04, 2023 1:36 pm

Defragmantation of 802.11 packets

Postby razgino » Mon Sep 04, 2023 1:41 pm

I have encountered a strange problem with my esp8266,
im receiving udp packets from an IOT device, and i noticed some of the packets were missing when receiving using any simple WiFiUdp/ESPAsyncUDP based arduino projects

I have noticed, that when sniffing the packets using my computer with my wifi card in monitor mode, i could see that there are alot more packets then being received,
all of the packets that were missing, are packets that have been fragmaneted on the 802.11 layer,

I have found alot of stuff online about ip fragmanation and reassembly and about udp reassembly, but nothing about reassembling the fragmanation on the 802.11 layer, which doesn't seem to work (even though in the esp8266 offical docs they state "defragmanation" as a feature)

anyone knows to point me in the right direciton?
Thank you :)

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