What can be done on an ESP8266? Show your beasts...

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Re: What can be done on an ESP8266? Show your beasts...

Postby rin67630 » Sat Feb 03, 2024 2:13 pm

First sorry for the late response I have been ill for a while...
Inq720 wrote:
Sat Dec 23, 2023 11:56 pm
Interesting!!! I retired to a quiet mountain location, but the concepts do remind me of my former profession. Is 8 Hz a choice or a limitation?
It is a DIN/ISO regulation requirement. Sound pressure levels have to be processed a that pace.
I wonder as I did some early benchmarking and found the ESP8266 Analog is pretty slow... 43μs versus digital at 1.2μs. Have you considered adding a higher rate A2D sensor maybe an i2c or SPI... maybe doing something like a 2 second reading every minute? You could then do the FFT to get the frequency spectrum. I'd imagine the FFT number crunching could be done during the lulls. I recall that there are regions of the sound frequency spectrum that really annoy people/animals more than others. Amplitude is not always the culprit.
I do read the DC sound level, not the AC from the amplifier.
rin67630 wrote:
Sat Dec 23, 2023 10:31 pm
On my current project https://github.com/rin67630/Victron_VE_on_Steroids i am diong similar things, reading data from serial...
Another interesting project. I have a buddy on another forum that will be interested in this. Are you using Victron in a home, off-grid, RV or boat type scenario? He's an RV'r... and I'd like something like this for my boat. Do you integrate with Nema 0183 or 2000?
I am using the Victron off grid. The basic aim is to feed a router (10W) permanently.
And the is not easy to achieve even with 800W PP panels in mid Germany.

Posts: 138
Joined: Sun Mar 11, 2018 5:13 pm

Re: What can be done on an ESP8266? Show your beasts...

Postby rin67630 » Sat Feb 03, 2024 2:34 pm

Inq720 wrote:
Sat Dec 23, 2023 11:56 pm
I teach at our local library about Arduino programming and light electronic usage. Have kids from pre-teens to their 80's. :) We did a simple weather station... two sensor modules and about 2 minutes of breadboard wiring and a little code and they had a weather station with 24 to 48 hour predictive ability. https://inqonthat.com/inqweather/
By the way: both my projects have a virtual weather station built in, by pulling the info from OpenWeather.
You don't need any extra hardware...

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