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Postby deng_ESP32 » Fri Aug 11, 2023 3:45 am

但是遇到一个问题,似乎ESP32C3内部是默认定期启动其射频单元的,从测试时间来看大概每隔4s启动一次,并持续工作2s,一个典型的验证方案是我在loop函数中设置了一个在端口20设置了一个每隔10ms发送一次方波,未开启其它任何功能,结果绝大多数方波间隔都是1ms,但是每隔2s会出现一次方波间隔为14ms,说明该间隔期间内芯片启动了其它进程导致多用了4ms。该进程的发生会导致2s内工作电流的上升,和ADC出现一定的不稳定,因此我希望将其彻底关闭,猜测该进程WiFi或者蓝牙的激活扫描,但是我是用 WiFi.disconnect(true)和WiFi.mode(WIFI_OFF)指令后,该周期性进程依然存在,并且会影响到我的其它功能。

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Re: ESP32C3内部WiFi与蓝牙进程如何彻底关闭?

Postby ESP-Ali » Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:01 am

Hello, Thank you for reaching out with your question. Based on the details you've provided, I'm having difficulty reproducing your issue. Could you please share your Arduino sketch sample? In the meantime, I've gathered that you're attempting to avoid using WiFi and BLE functionality on the ESP32-C3.

One potential explanation for this situation could be your usage of the delay function in your Arduino sketch, which might not provide precise timing. To achieve more accurate delays, consider utilizing the millis function. To assist you further, Please refer to this example for turning on and off Wifi and BLE. [url][ ... Switch.ino]

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Re: ESP32C3内部WiFi与蓝牙进程如何彻底关闭?

Postby ESP_Bob » Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:19 am


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