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Log port pins canot be chaged

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 7:28 am
by mateuszfio
According to documentation ESP-AT User Guide [v3.2.0.0] it is possible to change the pins of the log port. But when I'm in menuconfig I don't see such an option.

Re: Log port pins canot be chaged

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2023 12:58 pm
by esp-at
Hi mateuszfio,
Many thanks for your report! you are right. The document is outdated due to ESP-IDF version upgrade.

The right way to modify the pins of the log port as following:

- ./ menuconfig -> Component config -> ESP System Settings -> Channel for console output -> Custom UART
- ./ menuconfig -> Component config -> ESP System Settings -> UART TX on GPIO#
- ./ menuconfig -> Component config -> ESP System Settings -> UART RX on GPIO#

will update esp-at document in two weeks, thank you.
