ESP32-S2-MINI does not respond to AT commandqs

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ESP32-S2-MINI does not respond to AT commandqs

Postby victorien » Wed Dec 15, 2021 5:10 pm

Dear all,

I am coming to you as I have a problem I cannot solve with the ESP32-S2-MINI1. I have flashed the protoboard with AT firmware. The flash has been process successfully regarding the logs coming from UART0.
I can also see that at boot, I receives from the ESP-UART1-TX the "ready" message. However, after this, the ESP does not answer any AT command, even the simplest such as "AT\r\n" sent on the ESP-UART1-RX. Note that nothing goes out of the RX line after the "ready". No "\r\nERROR\r\n" or thing like this.

I have tried the same command with an AT firmware on an ESP32-WROOM and it worked straight !

Someone already encountered this kind of problem or could help me with this ?

Than you very much,

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Re: ESP32-S2-MINI does not respond to AT commandqs

Postby ESP_Alson » Thu Dec 30, 2021 4:04 am

Could you tell me which AT firmware you download?

You could receive the "ready" for from AT UART TX , but you sended AT commands to device and no responses return. I think the problem is on the RX UART pin of the device. So my suggestion is check the AT UART RX pin, because the TX and Rx pins of each module are different.

If you are using ESP32-S2 v2.1.0.0, you can refer to ... m_data.csv for uart_tx_pin field and uart_rx_pin field

Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Dec 15, 2021 4:57 pm

Re: ESP32-S2-MINI does not respond to AT commandqs

Postby victorien » Tue May 10, 2022 9:52 am

Sorry for the late answer.
The problem was indeed the pin assignment of the UART which was by default wrongly in the factory_param.csv file. I changed it to the correct pin according to documentation and it worked.

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