WiFi/BLE coexistance and sleep modes.

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WiFi/BLE coexistance and sleep modes.

Postby cgreen » Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:48 pm

When using light sleep with WiFi as described here (https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp ... mples.html) I see power consumption spikes every 300ms as expected. When I use light sleep with BLE advertising while WiFi is disabled I see power spikes for each BLE beacon as expected. In both cases device remains mostly in sleep state all other times. However when using WiFi and BLE advertising beacons at the same time light sleep mode is significantly less effective and I see power consumption spikes every 50ms which is not expected.
My current theory is BLE/WiFi coexistence is functioning by doing time slicing every 50ms irrespective of if either WiFi or BLE will be active during that 50ms time slice and the device frequently waking to swap back and forth between WiFi and BLE. Is there anyway to get the device to remain in sleep state between BLE beacon transmits and WiFi beacon receives. Is there any example of using WiFi and BLE with light sleep mode and minimal power consumption?

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