BLE Services and Characteristics are not shown in ESP32C3-MINI1

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BLE Services and Characteristics are not shown in ESP32C3-MINI1

Postby fahirad » Tue Feb 21, 2023 10:10 pm


I have been trying to figure out why the services and characteristics are not shown when I configure my device as a BLE Server using AT commands.

I have followed this link exactly for flashing the firmware ... le_it.html and have managed to do so. However, I have the problem I have mentioned.

To establish the Server I use the following commands:

Code: Select all

which all return

Code: Select all

. Still when I connect to my device either via a BLE app on my phone, or another ESP32C3 device (configured as a client) I can only see the Generic Attribute and Generic Access.

All of the resources I managed to find explain how to deal with this via generation of ble_data.bin file, but this version uses mfg_nvs which also gets properly updated whenever I make changes to the gatts_data.csv file (the file that actually stores the ble data information).

Another thing to mention, if I use the command

Code: Select all

to discover the services I get returned the services from the file, but without the UUIDs, instead only 0x is shown. (I know this is the actual services and not generic ones since I were adding more services or deleting some from the csv file and the result turned out accordingly).

Any kind of guide would be greatly appreciated, because I have managed to find very little on this topic.

Thank you,


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