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Rainmaker OTA Field Over Writes

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2023 9:26 am
by JoshNOA
Hi all, me again.

I was wondering what the expected behaviour of the OTA Image upload is? The pop up gives the developer "Advanced Options" which allow you to over write the version and model arguments.

However, after doing some testing I dont think these actually do anything? Particularly given the data you would modify is within a file within a zip from the servers perspective!

So you can modify these fields, the dashboard will make it seem like these images are valid on a given piece of hardware, but the hardware itself will reject it as a project name or version mismatch?

Can someone explain the intended behaviour here? Its not super clear what I should be using as a source of truth?

Whats the point in having over writes on the server side if they dont modify the actual underline values?

Re: Rainmaker OTA Field Over Writes

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2023 5:03 pm
by ESP_Piyush
For the regular firmware upgrades, the advanced fields should not be populated since these are read from the firmware image header by the cloud backend (if not provided explicitly) and also by the OTA Upgrade firmware code itself. These advanced fields are intended only for

1) Encrypted firmware images (in case you are using pre-encrypted OTA image)
2) Host MCU firmware, wherein the ESP firmware can just download the firmware and pass that data to some host MCU to update its own firmware.