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New Node Attribute not Visible

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2023 8:57 pm
by Quabis
Hi All,

I am trying to add a Status Attribute to the rm_node and plan to update it in periodically to inform about certain processes that are currently running.
The plan was to add either of the two lines below into the Rainmaker setup() method

Code: Select all

    esp_rmaker_node_add_attribute(rm_node.getNodeHandle(), "Status", "initializing...");
and then updating them while the app is running.

However the attribute is not shown in when i open the details of the node where i can see the Firmware, NodeId etc...

also not when i call

Code: Select all

after setting the Status during rainmaker setup

Any help is very much appreciated.

Re: New Node Attribute not Visible

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 6:08 am
by ESP_Piyush
Node attributes are meant to be read only values giving additional info about the node. The current phone apps do not show it anywhere. Only devices and device parameters are shown in the apps. You can check any RainMaker example to see what devices and params are and how to update them.

Re: New Node Attribute not Visible

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 10:24 am
by Quabis
thank you very much for the reply.
Would be a nice feature, since i got parameters that are meant to be identical for all devices...

Best regards