ESP32­-C3­-MINI-­1 advertisement power

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ESP32­-C3­-MINI-­1 advertisement power

Postby GuidoH » Tue Sep 28, 2021 3:04 pm

We've got some ESP32-C3-DevKitM-1 with RainMaker flashed by factory.
I'm trying to compare some other BT modules with the MINI-1, by measuring the received power of the advertisements.
To be able to perform a real compare, I tried to find out the configured power while the advertisements are sent.
Because I'm more a hardware designer and less a programmer, I had no luck to find the right parameter in RainMakers source code, but I think it's hidden anywhere :-)
What is the power, RainMaker uses for sending BLE advertisements?
Thanks a lot in advance.

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