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ESP32 provisioning with QR-code: No bluetooth device found with given prefix

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2021 8:34 am
by marcelstoer
I'm working through the "Get Started" for the first time. Currently I'm stuck at provisioning through the QR-code as there's something amiss with the BLE.

When I scan the QR-code with the iOS app it says "No bluetooth device found with given prefix". I made the necessary settings for Assisted Claiming as per ... ming-esp32. Also, I found and disabled NimBLE flow control options.

I tested this with two different ESP32 modules, one based on WROVER-B the other WROOM-32. The effect is exactly the same. When the devices are in the "QR-code showing state" neither the iPhone nor my MacBook detect any Bluetooth devices with a `PROV_` prefix. I also tested RainMaker for Arduino with both modules - same behavior.

Re: ESP32 provisioning with QR-code: No bluetooth device found with given prefix

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2021 6:08 am
by marcelstoer
Am I the only one on this whole planet facing this issue? When I ask my favorite search engine about "No bluetooth device found with given prefix" the only hit is my own post above :( @esspressif, can you help?

Re: ESP32 provisioning with QR-code: No bluetooth device found with given prefix

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 10:03 am
by fasani
It happened to me as well. But I could not reproduce it again.
Another similar issue happened with Android, where the pairing request never came. I tried pairing the device again manually and only after that I could send the WiFi credentials.
This error to me is like if the device would not be publishing the PROV_ bluetooth so the app cannot find any device to pair. Try resetting it and proving in the Serial that the QR code is coming and BLE is open.

Re: ESP32 provisioning with QR-code: No bluetooth device found with given prefix

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2022 1:06 am
by joshpar
I am still having this issue with new ESP32-S3 boards. Android finds it, but the CBPeripheral name on iOS is (null).

However, I used a 3rd party iOS app to find the board by looking at UUID, and in that app I chose 'connect' - THEN in iOS, I see the PROV_ device appear. I got a second S3 board and can still see the problem (and I'm avoiding that BLE 3rd party app to try and see this as solved).

Anyone have any suggestions? I'm using RainMaker Arduino and would love to be able to feel comfortable telling my job that this is a platform to use.

