I'm getting the errors below when burning the RMakerSwitch.ino example to an ESP32 (Adafruit Feather Huzzah32, via the Arduino IDE 1.8.16 with arduino-esp32 core 2.0.1 on Ubuntu 21.04):
Code: Select all
E (48) esp_rmaker_storage: NVS Flash init failed
E (49) esp_rmaker_core: Failed to initialise storage
E (49) esp_rmaker_node: Node or Device/Service handle cannot be NULL.
E (53) esp_rmaker_core: ESP RainMaker not initialised
E (57) esp_rmaker_node: Node or Device/Service handle cannot be NULL.
E (64) esp_rmaker_ota: Failed to enable OTA
E (68) esp_rmaker_core: ESP RainMaker not initialised
E (72) esp_rmaker_node: Node or Device/Service handle cannot be NULL.
E (80) esp_rmaker_core: ESP RainMaker not initialised
E (83) esp_rmaker_node: Node or Device/Service handle cannot be NULL.
E (89) esp_rmaker_schedule: Failed to add service Service
E (94) esp_rmaker_core: ESP RainMaker not initialised
Any ideas?