Adding a license to a device that was already deployed

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Adding a license to a device that was already deployed

Postby maldus » Wed Dec 07, 2022 1:16 pm

Hello everyone,
I'm working to add Rainmaker functionality to a device that has already begun production. I found this guide and understood too late that a private instance requires a different path for claiming every module.

If I understand correctly, once the private instance has been set up I must buy a license for each device I intend to produce and manually load it in the "fctry" partition. That is not an issue; however I already have a certain number of devices that have been sold and deployed. Can I add them to my rainmaker instance by developing a firmware that receives the license through external means (e.g. a local web server) and saves it in the fctry partition? I would then instruct my technicians/users to update the device's firmware and carry on said procedure.

I think this should work in theory, but I want to ask for confirmation while I wait for my instance to be activated and try. Is there any reason why this shouldn't be possible.

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Re: Adding a license to a device that was already deployed

Postby ESP_Piyush » Wed Dec 07, 2022 1:30 pm

You can indeed create new certificates and pass them in some way to the nodes in field, alongwith the new MQTT URL and migrate them to your private deployment. If you have the list of the existing node ids and their corresponding certificates, they too can be directly registered on to the private deployment directly. Thereafter, you can just give an OTA firmware upgrade to the nodes in field, with the new MQTT URL hard-coded and you are done.

You can get in touch with our sales team at for details about the private deployments. You can also send an email to if you have any further questions on the migration of nodes to private deployment.

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