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Invalid library paths of 'Eclipse Espressif IDF Project' impossible to fix

Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 1:54 pm
by powerbroker

trying to start with some ESP32 helloworld in Eclipse i'm permanently discovering extremely original ways of doing usual and simple things.


well, not every template based C|C++ project in Eclipse has library/include paths and defines properly set up out-of-the-box. but when it's a project for e.g. STM32, i can at the end of all open Project Properties, enter e.g. C/C++ General / Paths and Symbols and MANUALLY ENFORCE the correct values:


the same muzz work for every C|C++ project...
but oooooops! - not for ESP32 C|C++


no way to enforce IDE to see standard libraries and includes.
but why? - this makes Eclupse C|C++ support nearly impossible to use...