ESP32 flashes but previous firmware remains in both VScode and Espressif IDE.

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ESP32 flashes but previous firmware remains in both VScode and Espressif IDE.

Postby Cagatay » Wed Mar 22, 2023 1:28 pm


I am trying to flash firmware to ESP32-mini-1 and I am having some problems. Firstly I tried to flash the ESP Gatt Server example and it worked fine. But when I tried to flash any other program it keeps working with this example. I tried to erase flash from VScode IDF terminal and it does not work. But when I try to erase flash from some IDF website it works fine. Also I cannot flash any other program from Espressif IDE. What should I do?

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Re: ESP32 flashes but previous firmware remains in both VScode and Espressif IDE.

Postby » Fri Mar 24, 2023 12:24 am

I think you need to tell us more about what is happening during the subsequent flashes. "I tried to flash any other program" doesn't tell anyone anything.

With what IDE, specifically? What error messages, specifically, did you get?

More information = better answers.

Without that it's hard to say anything except; use the same IDE/method you used to flash the first example (this obviously works for you). And copy and paste the output if it doesn't (work).

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Re: ESP32 flashes but previous firmware remains in both VScode and Espressif IDE.

Postby Cagatay » Fri Mar 24, 2023 11:34 am

I have found the solution. I was using ESP32-mini-1 module and there was a warning in the website. It says that if you have purchased this module before December 2 2021 you would have a single core module. In that case you need to enable the single core mode(CONFIG-FREERTOS-UNICORE). If you do not enable that your code would not flash even though it says it flashed successfully.

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