Eclipse JTAG Integration to Improve?
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 3:02 am
I have succeeded in edit / compile / build / flash / run with ESP32 WROOM in the guise of SparkFun's ThingPlus board, with both command line and Eclipse.
I have also succeeded in OpenOCD and GDB debug in two cooperating command-line windows. I'm using a Chinese-sourced FT2232HL board with quite thin, outdated documentation, but it does work reliably.
Lastly, I have succeeded in running OpenOCD in command line, in cooperation with GDB launched and controlled via Eclipse. This seems to be as far as the IDF plugin and Espressif's documentation go. See: ... er-eclipse, step 12.
I have not succeeded in my goal: conducting development entirely via Eclipse, without opening an Ubuntu (in my case) command-line window.
Along the way, I have tried adapting the Gnu MCU Eclipse Plugin to the ESP32 as described here: ... for-esp32/. I don't trust it. While it does launch OpenOCD and eventually breaks execution at "app_main," it generates considerable perplexing junk along the way, including a register dump. This can't be best practice.
So two things to say. First, be of good cheer if you are banging your head on JTAG, because you CAN succeed. Second, would the Espressif team care to state if & when they might fully integrate ESP32 debug with Eclipse?
I have also succeeded in OpenOCD and GDB debug in two cooperating command-line windows. I'm using a Chinese-sourced FT2232HL board with quite thin, outdated documentation, but it does work reliably.
Lastly, I have succeeded in running OpenOCD in command line, in cooperation with GDB launched and controlled via Eclipse. This seems to be as far as the IDF plugin and Espressif's documentation go. See: ... er-eclipse, step 12.
I have not succeeded in my goal: conducting development entirely via Eclipse, without opening an Ubuntu (in my case) command-line window.
Along the way, I have tried adapting the Gnu MCU Eclipse Plugin to the ESP32 as described here: ... for-esp32/. I don't trust it. While it does launch OpenOCD and eventually breaks execution at "app_main," it generates considerable perplexing junk along the way, including a register dump. This can't be best practice.
So two things to say. First, be of good cheer if you are banging your head on JTAG, because you CAN succeed. Second, would the Espressif team care to state if & when they might fully integrate ESP32 debug with Eclipse?