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VSC Extension Prerequisites

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 8:25 pm
by username
Just curious why the "Prerequisites" section says: ... requisites
Annotation 2020-02-19 142029.jpg
Annotation 2020-02-19 142029.jpg (39.56 KiB) Viewed 5617 times

The ESP-IDF Tools Installer does all of this automatically, which is far better than installing things one by one. Why not just recommend the Installer ?

ESP-IDF Tools Installer: ... -installer

Re: VSC Extension Prerequisites

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 7:19 pm
by ESP_Dazz
username wrote: The ESP-IDF Tools Installer does all of this automatically, which is far better than installing things one by one
Yes the tools installer should install all those prerequisites.
username wrote:Why not just recommend the Installer ?
Because the tools installer is only available on Windows. Linux/Mac users need to install those prerequisites through their respective package managers. A user may also choose to install the tools one by one if they want to use a specific version of a particular tool.

If a user has not installed the correct tools before running the ESP-IDF VSC plugin (i.e., hasn't run the tools installer), the plugin's onboarding process has option to download and install the necessary tools as part of onboarding.