Help with the configuration Eclipse CDT with ESP32

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Help with the configuration Eclipse CDT with ESP32

Postby Cha831a » Mon Jan 13, 2020 5:52 pm

Hello Erpressif Forum,

i am really new with Eclipse and ESP32. But i am really interesting in learning these amazing things, that is why, i need i little your help. Here my questions:

in the installation and configuration of Eclipse with the ESP32 i found this two videos, that are different in the form of the configuration:

The first one shows me how to get the ESP IDE easier and to install and a lot of things are already installed. But i am having already problems with the #include <freertos/FreeRTOS.h> sometimes i get the problem that he is include and sometimes he is not. That is why i watched the second video. He shows like a configuration manually, where i have to insert some lines to get it work. Here are my questions:

1. If i want to do that manually i do not get the option in Preferences of the project: C/C++ Build and neither the option Path and Symbols in C/C++ General where i can add news includes (in the second video this must be done manually).
2. What is the difference between those two procedures of the videos? why are so different in what i can do or not.
3. With the installation like in the first video, a found just examples with programming in c. Can i also programming with c++?
4. If i do the things like in the second video, do i have to add the #includes (that are not found) always for a new project? or i am doing something wrong?

I appreciate your help!

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Re: Help with the configuration Eclipse CDT with ESP32

Postby ESP_Sprite » Mon Jan 13, 2020 8:32 pm

Moved to IDE subforum.

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Re: Help with the configuration Eclipse CDT with ESP32

Postby ESP_kondalkolipaka » Mon Jan 20, 2020 6:01 am

I would suggest you to follow the first video - that's the official plugin from espressif. In the process, if you have any issues, we would like to help you on that.

You can find the documentation here

Regarding the "unresolved headers", most likely this would have caused by launch target. Make sure you create and select the launch target before compiling the project. Check this ... unchTarget

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Re: Help with the configuration Eclipse CDT with ESP32

Postby nolojan » Fri Jan 24, 2020 3:19 pm

I have a very similar issue with Eclipse.

I managed to do all steps from I could flash the HelloWorld-firmware, open a terminal and read the output.

The output in the console says no error:
Generated C:/Users/hofmanja/eclipse-workspace-2-a/Hello2a/build/hello-world.bin
Build complete (0 errors, 0 warnings): C:\Users\hofmanja\eclipse-workspace-2-a\Hello2a\build

But in the problems-tab in Eclipse there are over 20 errors - starting with missing inclusions at:
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"

I created and selected an esp32-launch target. How can I find out what's wrong?

Also I don't understand the connection between the IDF-Target from the ESP target properties and the core Build tool chains: In the IDF-Target, I just have one entry (esp32), but in the core build tool chains I have two entries with OS esp32 (one default and one user defined toolchain). Am I missing something?

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Re: Help with the configuration Eclipse CDT with ESP32

Postby ESP_kondalkolipaka » Wed Feb 12, 2020 10:05 am

"Unresolved inclusion" errors issue got fixed with the latest build - IDF Eclipse Plugin v1.0.0-beta5 (Build:

Please check the release notes ... n/releases

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