How do I install the VSCode ESP-IDF extension offline?

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How do I install the VSCode ESP-IDF extension offline?

Postby ALonelyNoah » Tue Dec 06, 2022 3:06 am

(I am new to esp32 development.)For certain reasons my vscode cannot connect to the Internet. So I tried the extension offline install using '.visx' file. Before this I've already set up the esp-idf tool chain through 'esp-idf-setup-tools-offline.exe'. But when I configured the extension setup steps in vscode(I chose 'Using Existing Setup'), the python virtual environment could not be established due to the Internet. I copied some python packages from another computer(which is able to the internet and set up the esp-idf successfully). However, this only fixed 'half' of the errors:

Code: Select all

Requirement already satisfied: gcovr in 'path'(from EXTENSION_PATH\requirements.txt(line 1))(5.2)
WARNING: Retrying after connection broken by 'NewConnectionError'(<pip._vendor.urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x0000014DA4803460>: Failed to established a new connection: [WinError 10013] ...')': /simple/gcovr/

The first line indicates that the packages I copied from another computer are effective. The second line is due to the internet error and indicates that it still need to connect the Internet to download something. I don't know what else packages it requires.
Please help me to find the reasons, thanks

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