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Postby hanbaoaaa » Mon Jun 28, 2021 12:56 am
# pa_RobotArm(pa机械臂

## Intro(介绍

#### 🎨 A robot arm project that can draw what you want

#### 一个可以绘制你想绘制的东西的机械臂项目

QQ截图20210628085525.png (832.22 KiB) Viewed 49516 times
Run host on ipad, and draw on itself


![run host on ipad, and draw on itself]( ... 368467.gif)

Draw a cat


![image-20210621225456065]( ... 456065.png)

#### The host is written with vue ( The old version using QT)

上位机是用vue写的 (也有旧版本使用的QT+串口协议)

🎄github: [ActivePeter/RobotArmHost: Host of my robotArm Project using vue and mqtt. The old version uses qt (](

🎁demo: [Vue-ImagePainter (](

draw path on canvas

在canvas 上绘制轨迹

![image-20210621225712577]( ... 712577.png)

load picture and generate path


![image-20210621225811766]( ... 811766.png)

## 💻Language(语言

c/c++ (mcu)

vue (host) (qt: old version)

## ➗Model Conversion(模型换算

check the model **describe file** and **code**

查看**describe 文件** 和**代码**



## 🛠Developement(开发

1. get **vscode**, install the idf extension in vscode and set up basic **esp32** development environment

获取 **vscode**, 在vscode里安装idf插件 并设置好基础的**esp32**开发环境

2. install the necessary **extensions**, the describe of extensions is in the **Design** part

安装必要的vscode插件, 关于插件的描述在**设计**部分

> Before coding, you should have a **darm robot arm** as that in picture.
> Also you should know how to connect **robot arm stepper - stepper driver(a4988) - mcu(esp32)**
> **libHelperTree.json** the gpio needed is describe in config tree file

> 在开始写代码之前, 你应该获得一个跟图里一样的dart机械臂
> 当然你也应该知道如何链接 **机械臂步进电机 - 步进电机驱动(a4988) - mcu(esp32)**
> **libHelperTree.json** 关于gpio的描述可以参考这个文件,当然你也可以自行修改

1. Get my source from github, use my **[Submodule Helper](** or **native git commands** to load submodules.

从github获取我的源码, 使用我的 **[Submodule Helper](** 或**原生 git 指令**来加载子模块.

2. Run build through vscode command pallete


![image-20210621235744814]( ... 744814.png)

## ✏Design(设计

1. It is mainly written in **c++** and well **modularized**.

Abstracting the **driver layer** through my **[paMcuLib](**, which makes my MCU project can be easily transferred to other platformsAll the logic of the robot arm is put in class **RobotArmApp**, so this robot arm project is also easy to be transplanted


通过我的单片机通用库 **[paMcuLib](**,对**驱动层**进行了统一的抽象,这使得我的单片机项目可以轻易的被转移到其他平台上。

所有跟机械臂相关的逻辑都放在 **RobotArmApp** 类里。通过创建对象来进行必要函数的调用,所以机械臂项目本身也很容易迁移平台

2. uses my vscode extension [MacroDefineHelper](, I can set the platform related things easily(such as gpio)

使用我的vscode插件 [MacroDefineHelper](, 我可以**轻易的修改平台相关的宏定义参数**并且生成对应头文件

First I can set up **describe.txt** where I need platform related config macro.

首先我可以在我需要特殊宏定义设置的模块文件夹内创建 **describe.txt**

For example, here I need gpio config for robot arm. I created the describe.txt file to describe the header file and macros in it what I need.

例如, 这里我需要给我的机械臂设置必要的gpio宏,那么我就像下图一样在文件里写入对应的描述,需要的头文件也可以自定义生成名称

![image-20210621233747067]( ... 747067.png)

Then using my extension, a **config tree** will be automatically generated. And now I can easily set the macros.

然后使用我的插件,自动生成一个配置树, 然后我可以轻易的修改宏对应的值

![image-20210621233312226]( ... 312226.png)

Finally, using my extension, I can generate config header files to the pre-set path


![image-20210621234239300]( ... 239300.png)

3. Using my another extension [Submodule Helper](, I can load my paMcuLib modules as git submodules easily. Only need **a json config** file to describe the repositories and paths. Also I can easily switch **used** to load/remove them.

使用我的另一个插件 [Submodule Helper](, 我可以轻松的加载和管理我的**paMcuLib 通用库组件**. 只需要一个 **json 配置** 文件来描述仓库和对应的路径。我也可以通过修改**used**轻易的切换**是否使用这些子模块**

![image-20210621234819944]( ... 819944.png)

## 📄Record

- #### 2021/6/20

almost finish. able to draw pictures.


#### 2020/12/28 已经能够跟上位机通信来更新点序列了!

#### 2020/12/6已经可以顺利的画纵向平面的五角星啦!

![image-20201206065550082]( ... 550082.png)

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Joined: Wed Nov 14, 2018 8:45 am

Re: ESP32绘图机械臂

Postby ESP_Gargamel » Mon Jun 28, 2021 1:18 am


Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Jun 28, 2021 12:47 am

Re: ESP32绘图机械臂

Postby hanbaoaaa » Thu Jul 01, 2021 4:08 am


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