esp-who ov2640驱动中曝光值的设置问题

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esp-who ov2640驱动中曝光值的设置问题

Postby camera » Tue Sep 24, 2019 1:21 am

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static int set_aec_value(sensor_t *sensor, int value)
    if(value < 0) {
        value = 0;
    } else if(value > 1200) {
        value = 1200;
    sensor->status.aec_value = value;
    return set_reg_bits(sensor, BANK_SENSOR, REG04, 0, 3, value & 0x3)
           || write_reg(sensor, BANK_SENSOR, AEC, (value >> 2) & 0xFF)
           || set_reg_bits(sensor, BANK_SENSOR, REG45, 0, 0x3F, value >> 10);

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Re: esp-who ov2640驱动中曝光值的设置问题

Postby ESP_Me-no-dev » Tue Oct 29, 2019 8:04 am

The exposure settings on those sensors is actually measured in lines. So for max res of 1600x1200 you can expose for the whole duration of 1200 lines. Not sure if that makes any sense :). For smaller resolutions you get less lines and less exposure. There are 3 main resolutions from which all others are made from: 1600x1200, 800x600 and 400x300

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