请问播放sd卡mp3 音乐的时候出现如下log是为什么?
Code: Select all
I (368) SDCARD_MP3_CONTROL_EXAMPLE: [1.0] Initialize peripherals management
I (378) SDCARD_MP3_CONTROL_EXAMPLE: [1.1] Initialize and start peripherals
I (888) SDCARD_MP3_CONTROL_EXAMPLE: [1.2] Set up a sdcard playlist and scan sdcard music save to it
E (888) PLAYLIST_SDCARD: open file error, line: 112, have you mounted sdcard, set the long file name and UTF-8 encoding configuration ?
E (908) PLAYLIST_SDCARD: /home/smart/esp/esp-adf/components/playlist/playlist_operator/sdcard_list.c:197 (sdcard_list_show): Got NULL Pointer
I (918) SDCARD_MP3_CONTROL_EXAMPLE: [ 2 ] Start codec chip
W (948) I2C_BUS: i2c_bus_create:56: I2C bus has been already created, [port:0]
I (958) SDCARD_MP3_CONTROL_EXAMPLE: [ 3 ] Create and start input key service
I (958) SDCARD_MP3_CONTROL_EXAMPLE: [4.0] Create audio pipeline for playback
I (958) SDCARD_MP3_CONTROL_EXAMPLE: [4.1] Create i2s stream to write data to codec chip
I (1038) SDCARD_MP3_CONTROL_EXAMPLE: [4.2] Create mp3 decoder to decode mp3 file
I (1038) SDCARD_MP3_CONTROL_EXAMPLE: [4.3] Create resample filter
I (1038) SDCARD_MP3_CONTROL_EXAMPLE: [4.4] Create fatfs stream to read data from sdcard
E (1058) PLAYLIST_SDCARD: /home/smart/esp/esp-adf/components/playlist/playlist_operator/sdcard_list.c:281 (sdcard_list_current): Got NULL Pointer
I (1068) SDCARD_MP3_CONTROL_EXAMPLE: [4.5] Register all elements to audio pipeline
Code: Select all
/sdcard/__playlist 下有音乐
/sdcard/__playlist/_playlist_url 空
/sdcard/__playlist/_offset 空