It is not recommended to use ST77903 for ESP32C3 because it has no GRAM.
Hesitant screen does not have GRAM, so ESP32C3 needs to manage screen refresh (freertos queue) by itself and needs to open up a buffer 400*400*8*2=1.23MB in SRAM. Obviously, SRAM is not enough and there is no PSRAM, so ESP32C3 cannot click ST77903.
If you want to order ST77903, choose ESP32•ESP32S2•ESP32S3 because they all have QSPI interface and PSRAM
ESP32C3 can try to use a QSPI screen with RAM, such as SPD2010 or SPD2012
If there is anything wrong, please let me know.
【淘宝】 CZ0001 「1.46寸圆形液晶显示屏412*412小家电开关旋钮屏LCD彩屏TFT液晶屏」
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【淘宝】 CZ3457 「鱼鹰光电® 1.72寸tft 356*400COG液晶模组 QSPI接口TFT显示模块」
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