ESP BLE-MESH组网如何多部手机接入共同控制设备
ESP BLE-MESH组网如何多部手机接入共同控制设备
Re: ESP BLE-MESH组网如何多部手机接入共同控制设备
BLE-MESH 对安全性要求比较高,一般不会直接采用多台手机直接对设备进行配置,常规做法是使用 BLE 网关,将根节点加入网关然后手机通过网关来控制,可以参考 ESP-BLE-MESH and Wi-Fi Coexistence Example 。
Re: ESP BLE-MESH组网如何多部手机接入共同控制设备
Re: ESP BLE-MESH组网如何多部手机接入共同控制设备
it depends what smartphone app you are using.
If its nrf mesh then you can, in theory, export mesh config and then import it on another smartphone.
I said in theory, because it not always works. Sometimes this feature is broken in nrf mesh app.
BTW i am working on ble mesh provisioner demo on esp32-p4; the plan is to add mqtt connection support, so it can work as a gateway
it depends what smartphone app you are using.
If its nrf mesh then you can, in theory, export mesh config and then import it on another smartphone.
I said in theory, because it not always works. Sometimes this feature is broken in nrf mesh app.
BTW i am working on ble mesh provisioner demo on esp32-p4; the plan is to add mqtt connection support, so it can work as a gateway
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