uGFX example in IOT-Solution HMI examples on ESP-wrover-kit-B

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uGFX example in IOT-Solution HMI examples on ESP-wrover-kit-B

Postby isa_smarthalo » Fri Dec 21, 2018 8:58 pm

Is it possible to run the HMI->ugfx example on the ESP-wrover-kit-B

I've already changed the driver config for the lcd screen recommended in this thread :

And I made the lvgl example work with by board.

I'm getting an error when running make flash with the ugfx example :
#error “GWIN: GFX_USE_GINPUT is required if GWIN_NEED_WIDGET is GFXON”
#error “GWIN: GFX_USE_GINPUT is required if GWIN_NEED_WIDGET is GFXON”

Does someone knows if we need to make other configurations in order to make the ugfx example work with the wrover kit.

Thanks a lo

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Re: uGFX example in IOT-Solution HMI examples on ESP-wrover-kit-B

Postby ESP_@In逍遥子 » Thu Jan 03, 2019 4:17 am

Hi, you can use make defconfig to use default config, then complier this example and flash for this error. it's seems that some config incorrect about ugfx.

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Re: uGFX example in IOT-Solution HMI examples on ESP-wrover-kit-B

Postby ESP_@In逍遥子 » Thu Jan 03, 2019 4:21 am

OK, i review link refered by you.This ugfx example can't work without input device,eg:touch screen.Therefore, you can buy some lcd with touch screen for use this example

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Re: uGFX example in IOT-Solution HMI examples on ESP-wrover-kit-B

Postby pardmx » Mon Mar 11, 2019 11:44 pm

I look this post is old but I have the same issue with the uGFX example and after very tries I found a way you can run it:

1.Go to esp-iot-solution -> components -> hmi -> ugfx_gui -> ugfx -> src -> gfx.c
2. Look for the void gfxInit(void) function search the following lines:
3. Comment the second line

With this you will disable the touch calibration process
Now config you project with make menuconfig set touch enable and assign the pins of the touch screen input (you can assing any input pin on the wroover kit that is not already in use). Compile and flash now the example should run

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