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Neopixel LED color changes after interrupt from the peripheral

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2024 7:40 am
by rana.roy
I am using the NFC frontend chip to communicate with the ESP32C3. After the completion of the communication, the PI42TAS neopixel LED is operated.
- MCU: ESP32C3
- RTOS: Zephyr
- Clock frequency: 160MHz
- Neopixel LED: Inolux PI42TAS
- Protocol: SPI with interrupt

During every first operation of the LED after the completion of SPI communication of ESP with the NFC frontend, the first bit of 24 bits has random behavior and the bit is getting stretched resulting in the change of color. The following LED operations work fine and the color remains as expected. The waveform of the stretched bit is attached for reference.

I would be grateful to get any insights on fixing this issue.