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ESP32 FOTA Issue

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2024 11:07 pm
by SanathRaiAjja

I am working on ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 Chip for one of our IOT application.
I am trying to load the bin file from S3 bucket to ESP32 via FOTA using the esp32FOTA.execOTA();

In the Below part of the code from esp32 FOTA library source file esp32FOTA.cpp i am seeing the code is getting aborted after written is not equal to fwsize.i am not getting what exactly is the issue.

Can anyone explain this to me?

size_t written = F_writeStream();

if (fwsize == UPDATE_SIZE_UNKNOWN) // match compressed fw size to responce length
fwsize = updateSize;

if ( written == fwsize ) {
Serial.println("Written : " + String(written) + " successfully");
updateSize = written; // flatten value to prevent overflow when checking signature
} else {
Serial.println("Written only : " + String(written) + "/" + String((int)updateSize) + ". Premature end of stream?");
return false;
