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ESP32UE Transmmitter duty cycle? - Exportation to Israel

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 10:10 am
by LuisPereira87
Hi everyone

I have a technical question that I'm not being able to answer on my on research.
I need to know the transmmitter duty cycle on the ESP32UE, under normal communication mode, or even possible, for all communication modes.
I guess this varies depending of the wifi-mode we're transmitting, meaning we can change this via firmware correct?

On top of this, I don't simply need an answer, I need a source of information I can cite.
I trying to export a machine to Israel but their ministry of communications needs some details about the wireless communications involved, most of these I managed to answer with the esp32 datasheet, but the transmmitter duty cycle used on normal wifi mode seems trickier.

Thank you-
Cheers, Luís Pereira.