Dr.Knock, thanks for the schematics. The image is quite compressed but it seems you have RMII REF CLK incorrectly connected. It seems that REFCLKO and CLKIN are both wired to GPIO0 which is not correct. Since you want to use WROVER module, it requires external RMII CLK at GPIO0 (GPIO16/17 are already occupied by SPI memory so ESP32 internal EMAC CLK cannot be used). Therefore, you need to connect LAN8720 REFCLKO to ESP32 GPIO0 and CLKIN needs to be connected to external oscillator or crystal, see more details
There is one other thing which needs to be kept in mind! ESP32 GPIO0 is also used as boot strap pin so you need to be sure about its state during power-up or reset. If you connect LAN8720 REFCKLO to it, you might bet into a trouble during reset since there could be active CLK present and you would have 50:50 chance that the ESP won't boot correctly. It is caused by fact that the LAN8720 produces REFCLKO even if it is in reset state. Therefore, it would be ideal if you used external oscillator which would be programaticaly enabled once it is safe. Please refer to
https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/pull/6188 where the issue was discussed and solution proposed.