Is it possible to feed esp32 wifi ssid/password via BLE (smartConfig approach) and then activate wifi mesh?

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Is it possible to feed esp32 wifi ssid/password via BLE (smartConfig approach) and then activate wifi mesh?

Postby karunt » Mon May 16, 2022 7:21 am

If yes, what's the preferred approach to creating a wifi mesh of several esp32 chips after selecting a root and using a BLE connection to feed the selected root wifi ssid and password? The approach I'm thinking of using is:
1. Use BLE to wifi provision user selected root ESP32 chip with wifi ssid and password by means of an app
2. Have the selected root connect to the router and then initiate creation of the WiFi mesh
3. Upon occurrence of MESH_EVENT_PARENT_CONNECTED event, all the other non-root chips join the WiFi mesh.

Is my approach feasible? Or will BLE somehow interfere with creation/operation of the WiFi mesh?

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