Wifi provisioning success notification to mobile device app

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Wifi provisioning success notification to mobile device app

Postby karunt » Wed Dec 01, 2021 9:18 am

Not sure if this forum is the appropriate place to ask this question. I'm using the wifi provisioning example, which seems to use the protocomm-nimble protocol to read data sent to the chip via BLE. I want to be able to get a response back to the mobile device app once wifi provisioning has successfully occurred. But I don't see anywhere in the wifi provisioning manager code where any such notification happens. Even looked at the protocomm-nimble code used by provisioning manager but can't figure out which function is used by protocomm-nimble to write to a GATT characteristic after a certain event has occurred (example, successful wifi provisioning). If the wifi provisioning manger and protocomm-nimble codes (in the wifi provisioning example) aren't designed to provide any notification of wifi provisioning status, do I need to incorporate some code from the BLE GATT server example to achieve communication back to the mobile device app that kicks off the wifi-provisioning process? Any help is appreciated.

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