How to send value from one ISP32 to an other with BLE

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Joined: Thu Jul 04, 2019 12:42 pm

How to send value from one ISP32 to an other with BLE

Postby pchatill » Thu Jul 04, 2019 12:55 pm

I'm newbie with ESP32.
I would like to send a value from one ESP32 to another one.
I tried to use the BLE_server and BLE_client examples (Arduino IDE).
I can read the Value("Hello World says Neil") send by the server in the client serial monitor. That works
But I don't understand how to send another value (read from a sensor) in the loop.
I spend many hours on google but didn't find any example....
Thanks for help...

Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Jul 04, 2019 12:42 pm

Re: How to send value from one ISP32 to an other with BLE

Postby pchatill » Tue Jul 09, 2019 4:49 am

Thanks a lot chegewara for your answer.
I think you have to install this sketch on one esp32 and the BLE_client example (Arduino IDE) on the other one.
Can you confirm that?
It doesn't work for me but this work if I install BLE_notify example, very similar to your sketch, instead.
I can send value from BLE_notify to BLE_client.
I receive an ASCII code. I have to see how to convert to hexadecimal value.
Now I have also to look how to send data in both ways.
I'm just starting with ESP and BLE, so nothing is clear for me for the moment ...

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