How to Implement RFID Reader/Writer with ESP32-S3 for Web API Interaction

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How to Implement RFID Reader/Writer with ESP32-S3 for Web API Interaction

Postby linqing » Thu May 18, 2023 12:06 am

Hi everyone,

I'm a beginner when it comes to working with ESP32 and ESP-IDF, and I'm currently working on a project that involves utilizing an ESP32-S3 board that needs to host a USB HID device (specifically, an RFID Reader/Writer) to interact with a web API. I'm seeking guidance and assistance for this endeavor.

The main objective of my project is to implement two specific scenarios using the ESP32 board:

In STA (Station) mode: When the RFID Reader reads data from a tag, I want the ESP32 to receive this data via the USB connection and send it as an HTTP POST request containing the obtained data to an API server hosted on a local network via WiFi.

In AP (Access Point) mode: I aim to configure the ESP32 to receive an HTTP POST request from a client, containing data, and write that data into an available RFID tag. This communication will take place through the USB cable connecting the ESP32 and the RFID Reader.

I'm aware that the required web API is accessible, but I would like to confirm whether implementing these functionalities with ESP-IDF is feasible. Additionally, I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or recommendations for repositories or resources that can assist me in getting started with this project.

Thank you all for your valuable time and attention.

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