Windows Azure Certificates from DigiCert Global G2 about what is needed to respond to the update

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Windows Azure Certificates from DigiCert Global G2 about what is needed to respond to the update

Postby YN20230201A » Fri Feb 03, 2023 12:02 am

I want to:

Is it possible?
In the current investigation, it was produced with Arduino software
in the program

Certificates from DigiCert Global G2
Windows Azure
Certificates from DigiCert Global G2
about what is needed to respond to the update

I want to:

Is it possible?
According to my research on the current situation. Created with Arduino software
the program is

Certificates from DigiCert Global G2
because it is impossible to update the
I want to use
ESP32-WROOM-32E for transferring to the cloud currently being produced with Arduino
the program
Windows Azure

Azure SDK for .NET
recreate it with and
I want to use
to ESP32-WROOM-32E
Transfer the program.
Result I want to use
Allows sending data from the device to the cloud.

How to write a program for
Connect RX and TX of COM0
Could you?

How do you write the program? please tell me.

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