HTTP multipart/form-data with ESP32

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HTTP multipart/form-data with ESP32

Postby rnjsrkdmf » Wed Sep 21, 2022 5:42 am


We are trying to implement OTA with ESP32 and thinking of using HTTP multipart/form-data as a protocol.
Since we don't have a broad background in this protocol type, I wonder how we can receive HTTP multipart/form-data(file) from the server (to ESP32).

Could you give me any code examples, useful libraries, or general flow of it?

FYI, our OTA scenario is as below:
1. (ESP32->server) check if there are any required updates
2. (server->ESP32) send whether there exists any update
3. (ESP32->server) request updates
4. (server->ESP32) send firmware update file(s)
5. (ESP32) receive the file(s) and reboot the device

Thank you in advance!

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