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Difference between ESP-MDF and ESP-IDF mesh application examples

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2020 6:49 am
by dalohar


We are studying ESP-WIFI-MESH and have came across 2 applications in ESP-IDF and ESP-MDF.
ESP-IDF Mesh: ... mples/mesh
ESP-MDF Mesh: ... 0/examples

So we wish to understand below points. Please help us on the same.
1. Are these 2 are different mesh topology?
2. If No, which should we use?
3. If Yes, then which 1 is better to use for new developments?



Re: Difference between ESP-MDF and ESP-IDF mesh application examples

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2020 9:18 pm
by spirosbond
I was actually was wondering the same...
I started recently investigating both IDF/mesh and MDF mesh frameworks and they seem quite similar.
If I understand right, MDF is just an encapsulation of the IDF mesh libraries for a bit faster development.
For example the mwifi_read() and mwifi_write() functions in the MDF framework are much more user friendly than the esp_mesh_send() and esp_mesh_recv() of the IDF.

However I am still not able to use the PS functions in the MDF example is am working on, which worked quite well in the IDF based...
In addition i noticed that the documentation for the IDF is superior vs the MDF... Other than that they both seem to be doing the same things so it comes down to finding the best starting point based on the available examples.

If others have more info on this, i would also be very interested to understand the differences.
Thank you.

Re: Difference between ESP-MDF and ESP-IDF mesh application examples

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 5:55 pm
by DutchOrange
Iam also interested in hearing what the difference is, I see this post has been taking some time for a correct reply.

Re: Difference between ESP-MDF and ESP-IDF mesh application examples

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 3:07 pm
by o.copleston
The core mesh functionality is contained within ESP-IDF. ESP-MDF is a framwork which abstracts a lot of that functionality into pre-made funcitons, like Mupgrade, Mwifi, Mconfig etc. to save you the hassle of doing things manually.

If you compare the ESP-IDF manual networking example to the contents of the functions contained within Mwifi, you'll see a lot of similiarites.

Hope this info helps!