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MDF_LOG consumes lots of stack memory

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 1:33 pm
by bonastreyair
I've encountered that when using official MDF_LOGs in a created Task I need an additional +1500 bytes of memory. If I don't do that, then stack overflow happens... and it reboots the esp32.

Code: Select all

***ERROR*** A stack overflow in task test_task has been detected.
If I set the MDF_LOGs to low level so that they don't get activated, then there is no issue, but when the level is higher, then stack overflow happens...

Shouldn't the MDF_LOGs do a simple print a formatted string?, how is that it needs so much memory? :?

I hope you can give a little bit of clearance. :)


Re: MDF_LOG consumes lots of stack memory

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2021 6:37 am
by XiotSamuel
I have similar issue too. I have try to use the console command log -t none to disable the output, but the chip restart after a while. using log -t <tag> seem also cannot filter any message. Do anyone have guideline/example for using the MDF_LOGs? Thanks.