MDF Packet Received Flow

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Joined: Wed Feb 24, 2021 6:50 pm

MDF Packet Received Flow

Postby jopayne24 » Fri May 21, 2021 8:58 pm

I apologize. I'm new to MDF and programming in general. Could anyone explain to me the work flow for triggering an node action via mdf? For example, in looking through the docs, specifically eye balling the MQTT mesh example, it seems pretty easy to trigger some action (e.g., toggle a GPIO) through MQTT with the MQTT_EVENT_DATA event and a task notification/queue/etc.; however, given that the root is the only device in the mesh operating as an MQTT client, while passing MDF packets to the nodes, I can't seem to string together the overarching process where, once the node receives the MDF packet, I can use that packet's contents together with some kind of semaphore/tasknotificationgive to trigger a subsequent action at the node itself (again, something as simple as a GPIO toggle, ledc, etc.).

I'm sure the answer is right there is the example code, I'm just not seeing it, nor am I able to identify what I'm looking for in the official documentation.

Any help is appreciated.

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