esp_wifi_scan_start() does not return mesh Information Elements

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esp_wifi_scan_start() does not return mesh Information Elements

Postby o.copleston » Tue Jun 09, 2020 12:55 am


- Hardware: Custom board (similar to LyraT)
- Core (if using chip or module): ESP32-Wrover-B 16MB
- MDF version: 3ece464
- IDF Version: `6c9c253ed`
- Development Env: Make
- Operating System: MacOS
- Power Supply: external 3.3V

I'm trying to encorporate a scanning function into a project based off the Wireless Debug and Manual Networking examples. However, I seem to be unable to manually detect any nearby mesh devices.
I have 30 active mesh devices and one device which I'm trying to detect them with using my scanning function.

I initialize the WiFI mesh as per the MWifi example. Following the call to mwifi_start() I do the following:

Code: Select all

//Disable self organized networking
esp_mesh_set_self_organized(0, 0);
//Stop any scans already in progress
// Remove any scan results that have been obtained (just in case)
//Manually start scan. Will automatically stop when run to completion
wifi_scan_config_t scan_config = {
    .show_hidden = true,
    .scan_type   = WIFI_SCAN_TYPE_ACTIVE,
esp_wifi_scan_start(&scan_config, true);
Upon completion of the scan, the MDF_EVENT_MWIFI_SCAN_DONE occurs:

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    // Get event info
    mesh_event_scan_done_t *scan_done = (mesh_event_scan_done_t *) event_info;
    // Number of APs that have been found
    MDF_LOGW("<MESH_EVENT_SCAN_DONE>number:%d", scan_done->number);
    // Process the the Information Elements (IE) that have been retrieved, passing the function the number of IEs
The scan handler function then iterates over each Information Element and prints its attributes to the serial port:

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 * @brief Scan local APs to identify existing mesh networks and their IDs
void mesh_scan_done_handler(int num) {
    int ie_len = 0;                     // length of Information Element (IE)
    mesh_assoc_t assoc;                 // Mesh networking IE
    wifi_ap_record_t ap_record;            // Description of the WiFi AP (SSID, RSSI, Channel etc.)
    mesh_type_t my_type = MESH_IDLE;

    for (int i=0; i<num; i++) {
        // Reset variables ready to read next mesh IE
        ie_len = 0;
        memset(&ap_record, 0, sizeof(wifi_ap_record_t));
        memset(&assoc, 0, sizeof(mesh_assoc_t));

        esp_mesh_scan_get_ap_record(&ap_record, &assoc);
        // check if this is a mesh IE
        if (ie_len == sizeof(mesh_assoc_t)) {
            MDF_LOGW("<MESH>[%d]%s, layer:%d/%d, assoc:%d/%d, %d, "MACSTR", channel:%u, rssi:%d, ID<"MACSTR"><%s>",
                i, ap_record.ssid, assoc.layer, assoc.layer_cap, assoc.assoc,
                assoc.assoc_cap, assoc.layer2_cap, MAC2STR(ap_record.bssid),
                ap_record.primary, ap_record.rssi, MAC2STR(assoc.mesh_id), assoc.encrypted ? "IE Encrypted" : "IE Unencrypted");
        else {
            MDF_LOGI("Router, ssid: %s, bssid: " MACSTR ", channel: %u, rssi: %d",
                     ap_record.ssid, MAC2STR(ap_record.bssid),
                     ap_record.primary, ap_record.rssi);
if (ie_len == sizeof(mesh_assoc_t)) Should trigger for each mesh Information Element, however it never does. So I removed it to try to get more results. In my console, I can see Information Elements for nearby routers interspersed with IEs without any SSID:

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W (8360) [mupgrade_subsystem, 220]: <MESH>[17]BTWifi-with-FON, layer:0/0, assoc:0/0, 0, 6a:a2:22:79:c3:22, channel:11, rssi:-59, ID<00:00:00:00:00:00><IE Unencrypted>
W (8376) [mupgrade_subsystem, 220]: <MESH>[18]BTWifi-X, layer:0/0, assoc:0/0, 0, 6a:a2:22:79:c3:23, channel:11, rssi:-59, ID<00:00:00:00:00:00><IE Unencrypted>
W (8585) [mupgrade_subsystem, 220]: <MESH>[32], layer:0/0, assoc:0/0, 0, 24:6f:28:f0:6f:4d, channel:11, rssi:-55, ID<00:00:00:00:00:00><IE Unencrypted>
W (8599) [mupgrade_subsystem, 220]: <MESH>[33], layer:0/0, assoc:0/0, 0, 24:6f:28:f0:84:69, channel:11, rssi:-61, ID<00:00:00:00:00:00><IE Unencrypted>
If these IEs with no SSID are meant to be other mesh devices then
A: there doesn't seem to be enough of these IEs to represent the number of devices I have active and
B: these entries contain no mesh data like "ID".

I don't understand why I'm not getting any mesh Information Elements. Any ideas if this is a bug with ESP-MDF or I am doing something I am doing wrong?

Any help would be massivly appreciated, Thanks.
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Re: esp_wifi_scan_start() does not return mesh Information Elements

Postby ESP_yudong » Thu Jun 11, 2020 3:29 am

It looks like this device failed to parse the mesh ie of others.
Have you set those 30 active devices and this one device to the same mesh_id and ie encryption method?

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Re: esp_wifi_scan_start() does not return mesh Information Elements

Postby o.copleston » Thu Jun 11, 2020 2:57 pm

Hi ESP_yudong, thanks for getting back to me!

These 30 devices are all either a root node, child node or idle (and actively searching for a network to join). Num-layers is set to 2 and max children is set to 4, resulting in a maximum mesh network size of 5. There are 6 different mesh ID's in use to allow all 30 devices to be part of a mesh network.

Currently during startup, they attempt to join a mesh network and if full, increment the ID and try again until they are either a root node or a child node. This is a slow process and I would like to speed it up by first scanning and seeing what mesh networks are nearby and then choosing a suitable mesh ID value.
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Re: esp_wifi_scan_start() does not return mesh Information Elements

Postby ESP-QI » Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:39 am

One question:

W (8360) [mupgrade_subsystem, 220]: <MESH>[17]BTWifi-with-FON, layer:0/0, assoc:0/0, 0, 6a:a2:22:79:c3:22, channel:11, rssi:-59, ID<00:00:00:00:00:00><IE Unencrypted>
W (8376) [mupgrade_subsystem, 220]: <MESH>[18]BTWifi-X, layer:0/0, assoc:0/0, 0, 6a:a2:22:79:c3:23, channel:11, rssi:-59, ID<00:00:00:00:00:00><IE Unencrypted>
W (8585) [mupgrade_subsystem, 220]: <MESH>[32], layer:0/0, assoc:0/0, 0, 24:6f:28:f0:6f:4d, channel:11, rssi:-55, ID<00:00:00:00:00:00><IE Unencrypted>
W (8599) [mupgrade_subsystem, 220]: <MESH>[33], layer:0/0, assoc:0/0, 0, 24:6f:28:f0:84:69, channel:11, rssi:-61, ID<00:00:00:00:00:00><IE Unencrypted>

why "assoc:0/0"? it seems a problem there. if a node is "assoc:0/0", even it can be scanned, it will not be a parent candidate due to the assoc_cap=0. assoc_cap=0 represents it can't be connected to.

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Re: esp_wifi_scan_start() does not return mesh Information Elements

Postby ESP_yudong » Mon Jun 15, 2020 6:36 am

why "assoc:0/0"?
Because if (ie_len == sizeof(mesh_assoc_t)) was deleted.
This is a slow process and I would like to speed it up by first scanning and seeing what mesh networks are nearby and then choosing a suitable mesh ID value.
You can find other mesh id devices only when mesh IE is unencrypted on both sides. Use:

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cfg.crypto_funcs = NULL;
// or 

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Re: esp_wifi_scan_start() does not return mesh Information Elements

Postby o.copleston » Wed Jun 17, 2020 9:12 pm

Thank you ESP_yudong and ESP-QI for your help on the matter. Disabling encryption on both sides does indeed do the trick!

How do I then go about re-enabling encryption again?
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