How do I make sure the strongest AP is selected when joining a WiFi meshed network in STA mode please?
I am seeing ESP32 locking to APs with poor signals (RSSI -87dB) when closer and better APs are well in range (RSSI -62dB). I did confirm this by doing an active scan and dumping the found APs and RSSIs just before joining the WiFi, and then seeing esp_wifi_connect() lock onto an AP with a poor signal immediately after the scan.
I am using these parameters:
Code: Select all
wifi_sta_config.sta.scan_method = WIFI_ALL_CHANNEL_SCAN;
wifi_sta_config.sta.sort_method = WIFI_CONNECT_AP_BY_SIGNAL; ... 37788.html
We would also like further information on the algorithm Espressif uses when needing to associate to a hidden SSID on multiple APs. Unfortunately the ESP32 wifi documentation is limited and this part of the behaviour is not in the available source-code.