Why LyraT mini has ES8311 and ES7243 both?

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Why LyraT mini has ES8311 and ES7243 both?

Postby markevens » Sun Mar 03, 2024 3:10 am

ES8311 has ADC for MIC and DAC for speaker. So why two separate chip used in LyraT mini for ADC and DAC?
Is it possible to use ES8311 alone for both the purpose?

If Possible what changes I need to do in my below code block?

Code: Select all

#define ES7243_MCLK_GPIO I2S0_MCLK
#define ES8311_MCLK_SOURCE 0 /* 0 From MCLK of esp32   1 From BCLK */

extern audio_hal_func_t AUDIO_CODEC_ES8311_DEFAULT_HANDLE;
extern audio_hal_func_t AUDIO_CODEC_ES7243_DEFAULT_HANDLE;
#define AUDIO_CODEC_DEFAULT_CONFIG() {       \
    .adc_input = AUDIO_HAL_ADC_INPUT_LINE1,  \
    .dac_output = AUDIO_HAL_DAC_OUTPUT_ALL,  \
    .codec_mode = AUDIO_HAL_CODEC_MODE_BOTH, \
    .i2s_iface = {                           \
        .mode = AUDIO_HAL_MODE_SLAVE,        \
        .fmt = AUDIO_HAL_I2S_NORMAL,         \
        .samples = AUDIO_HAL_48K_SAMPLES,    \
        .bits = AUDIO_HAL_BIT_LENGTH_16BITS, \
    },                                       \

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